"Love is a heart that moves. . . Love moves away from the self and toward the other." -Dan Allender and Tremper Longman III

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Oh, How We Love Him

On Tuesday, October 7th, 2008 at 11:43 AM, mommy labored long and hard.
Despite the ridiculous pain, she kept her eye on the prize-
-and what a prize he is!
Dominic Nathaniel Henry
8 pounds, 8.5 ounces


Fanny said...

Oh he is just so, so lovely. I can't wait to see his eyes open-open - you know how newborns have this Mr. Magoo thing goin' on right when they come out. Ah! Ahhhhhhhhhh.

So happy.

Katy said...

ryan and mari, i am so happy for you guys and the start of your new family. hes the most wonderfully amazingly angelic thing i've ever seen. and i say that about a lot of babies, but i really mean it about yours. congrats.

Ramona said...

congrats mari! :) (i don't know if you remember me, but i'm one of your sister's friends). :) sean's middle name is nathanael too! :)

Just Josie said...

He is so cute!!! don't let Josh tell you anything different! I wish we lived closer so we could see him and so our boys could be friends :) I hope you guys are all doing well! Congrats!! You are such a trooper mari I would have gone crazy!