"Love is a heart that moves. . . Love moves away from the self and toward the other." -Dan Allender and Tremper Longman III

Monday, May 19, 2008

Whoa! Shyeah!

Hey, hey! We've got some updates! Boy, I tell you- a lot happens in a month of pregnancy. I'm not even the one who's pregnant, and here I am thinking, "Whew, this is intense..."

Well, on April 21st, we were able to hear Peanut's heartbeat at the doctor's office! She got the "heartbeat amplifying instrument" and started chasing Peanut all around Mari's belly. Just when she thought she had a good spot, Peanut would dash over to the other side of the uterus. He'll certainly rock at hide-and-seek! Finally, doc cornered him in the womb and we heard the best sound you could ever hear: the wooshing of a quickly beating, excited heart. It was absolutely overwhelming- to know that this baby's life began as a desire in God's heart- and here we are, witnessing the first signs of God's new creation. We were so fortunate enough to get an audio recording of the moment, too! Forever will we be able to remember the joy of hearing our first child's heartbeat :)!

Here we are, awaiting one of the coolest moments of our lives. Oh, how patiently we waited!

Then, disaster struck: bordum. Waiting for Dr. Jones was just too difficult, so we found productive things to do to use our time...like taking absurd pictures.

Not absurd, but also not necessary :). However, it is cool to see the difference from this picture (17 weeks along) and the next picture (beginning of week 20)

Isn't my wife stunningly gorgeous? I love her more than anything in this world.

To our surprise, at the end of week 17, we found out we could have THE ultrasound much earlier than anticipated. We thought we weren't going to find out until week 20; however, when Mari called to make the appointment, they said, "How does this Friday sound?" WAHOO! Perfect! We get to find out 2 weeks earlier than we thought...this was so exciting! Everyone was asking us, "What are you hoping for?" And honestly, Mari and I both felt like we just didn't care what the sex was. I mean, it would be most "normal" and "expected" for it to be a boy, considering my sister has a herd of them (5 incredible boys, to be exact). However, that didn't make it less special! On the other hand, the thought of a girl would cause a different reaction...more of a "melt your heart, that's daddy's girl" type of thing. So either way, the sex of the baby would touch us. Boy= WAHOO! That's mah' boy! while Girl= Oh. My. Gosh. That's my beautiful, shining star, baby girl.

Alright, enough of the build up! Time to share. We went to go for the ultrasound (poor Mari had to drink an ungodly amount of water...pretty much equal to her body weight. I'm suprised she didn't pee her pants...especially with Peanut pushing on all the insides...) Doc got the "baby-finding instrument" and the jelly and started to search...and, oh, the treasure she found. Not only did she find Peanut, but she also found Peanut's Peanut...or should I say his "MacGyver", MMM?

All I gotta say is, "DAT'S MAH BOY!"



Ask me if I'll be saying that about this behavior in elementary school...

...yeah, we'll have to reign him in by that point.

How marvelous is our God? That he has bestowed the blessing of a beautiful baby boy upon Mari and I? That he dreamed this child, and then began to work, and with one pulse of His heart, a new heart was formed? Thank You, Lord, for showing us how You desired our hearts before the start...that our lives were birthed to fill your joy, and our restored lives through Christ (whom you sacrficed so that I may be called a "child of God") were given so that we might know and believe the Love of your heart.

So, mommy and I went out to celebrate. We each bought Peanut a nice, cozy, October outfit! I tell you, it becomes more and more real every day. I just can't wait to have my boy in my arms. I just cannot wait to cuddle up with Mari and Peanut on football Sunday, with soft blankets, fall-scented candles, and the joy of the Lord in our hearts :)