"Love is a heart that moves. . . Love moves away from the self and toward the other." -Dan Allender and Tremper Longman III

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Riviera Maya, Here We Come!

It's official: our second week of our honeymoon is completely paid off as of today! Travel and Transport said that we should receive our paperwork at least 10 days before we leave. Wahoo! I (Ryan) have never been on an airplane before; needless to say, this is a big deal for me. I am glad that we get to spend this "Ryan's First Flight" experience together. We are SO pumped to go to Mexico and stay at the Moon Palace and Aventura Spa Palace; we've heard that anyone who goes to these resorts gets ridiculously pampered by their service! It's going to be overwhelming. After the labors of student teaching, my Subway job, Mari's full time job at the bank, and planning a wedding- our marriage will be wonderfully thankful that we are getting away for a full two weeks. We decided to sell our organs so we could go all-inclusive; we sold every organ except our stomachs. We need those for eating the incredible food whenever we want. Ah! Just to think that next month we can sip unlimited virgin strawberry daiquiris (and the occasional "non-virgin") as we chill on the beach and plan for "forever"...it's unreal! I thank God for our future. I thank God for the joy of anticipation. There is so much behind anticipation; our hope is merely a reflection of one that is greater.

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