"Love is a heart that moves. . . Love moves away from the self and toward the other." -Dan Allender and Tremper Longman III

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Happy Anniversary!

I just wanted to give one...HUGE...shout out:

Happy Anniversary, not to my wife, but to our Anticipating "Forever" Blog! It has been one year since we've posted anything. Wow, the Henry's relationship with their blog is going strong...yikes. It's pretty pathetic, actually.

However, I don't really regret my lack of posting. Mari and I have been really enjoying this parenthood thing, all the while, continuing to fall in love with each other all over again...every single day. Given my work schedule and the fact that I usually type the blogs, it often comes down to blogging or family (and tonight, I chose blogging! Just kidding, Mari's on the phone). However, we do hope to be more on top of posting thoughts, pictures, family updates as they occur. There is just so much happening to remain silent!

A sneak-peak, you say? Alright! We've got one talkative, handsome little man, Dominic, a new precious gift growing in Mari's belly, our EXCITING new little nephew Nathaniel Olson (wahoo Jaime and Matt!), and the life-altering lessons the Lord has been teaching us. Not to mention, we are well settled in our new home! We should definitely show some pictures of that, too!

God has been so faithful to us in this last year, as He always has been. As much as He has poured out blessings, He has also poured out the flames of testing. In all sincerity, however, we are honored and privileged to be called "children of God". Our Daddy in Heaven is so amazing! Mari and I have been growing stronger in our marriage and our faith as a result of God's gentle shaping. I'm sure there will be more to come regarding this subject, so stay tuned :).

As for now, let's get you caught up with the pictures- that will save my fingers for trying to redeem a year's worth of words. We look forward to cultivating our relationship with our Anticipating "Forever" blog, especially since it's feeling rather rejected since last March 23rd. We hope all of you are doing well. Please send us an email letting us know what's new in your life! Rhenry526@gmail.com or Mhenry526@gmail.com! Enjoy the pictures!

First trip to the Oswego Public Library!

Our little percussionist.

He's totally loving this condenser mic.

Not so happy about the fleece snow pants. He represents the Lollipop Guild.

Uh-oh. Someone's sitting in Grandpa Henry's chair!

And the Easter Bunny has arrived!

What'choo say?

More fun at the library!

Stellar! Stunning! Beautiful! 17 weeks pregnant and going strong!
Who's that awkward guy in the window?

Aww, those are great shoes to walk in, son. GREAT shoes.

And as daddy began to blog, Dominic laid down for a long evening's nap.

Here's our home in the season's first major snowfall.

Our little town.

How can you resist the bird smile?

He's got the Grandma Poulos pointed cheeks :) Thanks Grammy!

Dadda is silly when he's outside!

COLD cheeks.

Daddy and his buddy.

A wonderful evening, free of children, for the Mrs. and myself. I'm a lucky guy!

Some decor...minus Mari's purse.

Boy, did he LOVE the fountains at the Kalahari Resort!

1 comment:

Taliesin said...

Love the pictures :)