"Love is a heart that moves. . . Love moves away from the self and toward the other." -Dan Allender and Tremper Longman III

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

First AMAZING Spring Day

Wow. Today was simply incredible. It started with sunshine seeping through the curtains on the east side of the house, illuminating the kitchen and even reaching its serenity into the living room. This was the day we would first hit the yard with some serious outdoor-play, and boy did we enjoy ourselves!

Hangin' out on the front step.

I love my little boy with all of my heart :)

Mommy and Dominic picking up sticks! (Daddy slacking and taking pictures...)

"Puth! Puth!" Dominic exclaims as he pushes his red "gow".

Three wonderful neighbors enjoy burgers, hot dogs, and good conversation!

Enough said.

Dominic's playmates, Levi and Zoe!

"Wee!" Dominic says as he's about to go down the slide Grandma Henry got him!

"He can't have my water bottle."

"I'm going to get your face, Zoe!" Dominic

...then Zoe brilliantly blocks her face to ensure that it doesn't happen.


1-2-3 Smile! Is this the best you've got?

1 comment:

JasonDyba said...

Um. The 'ladies man' picture of Dominic is AMAZING.